The Platinum Egg 1984: John Melin.

You have to be a bit careful about elevating the role of an individual in events that very likely resulted just as much from collective efforts and the general Zeitgeist. But aside from Leon Nordin, John Melin, born in 1921, is probably the person who did the most to ensure that the creative revolution reached Sweden. As a designer, art director and creative leader at Svenska Telegrambyrån in Malmö from the mid-1950s until 1967..., John was working as a creative director long before the title began being used at Swedish agencies – if, that is, what you mean by “creative director” is somebody who can help others grow without necessarily hogging the limelight for himself. Telegrambyrån in Malmö was the biggest advertising agency in the country, and a force to be reckoned with under John Melin’s creative leadership. By 1967, it felt like it was time to team up with fellow revolutionaries from Stockholm, and some 20 Telegrambyrån employees formed Arbman 2 in Malmö. By this time, John had long since found his true brother-in-arms in Anders Österlin, artist and illustrator, the two of them forming the quality label M&Ö and creating pioneering campaigns for Trelleborg, Boda Glassworks, Moderna Museum and many others. Along the way, they also came up with the idea for, the name of and the design of the Golden Egg, as well as its predecessor organization SAFFT. A look through the records shows that John Melin was awarded 22 Golden Eggs before taking early retirement at 55. John was married to ceramist Signe Persson-Melin from 1955 on, and passed away in 1992.


More projects that John Melin contributed to.