The Platinum Egg 1988: Lars Falk.

Lars Falk was born a storyteller in far-northern Kalix in 1941. His penchant for writing long, thoughtful letters to newfound pen pals in the rest of Sweden made it easy for a guidance counsellor to suggest a career. Lars signed on at a newspaper. With the insight that every person has a story to tell, he traded his incomplete university studies for a typewriter at Sala Allehanda and Fagersta-Posten, eventually ending up in the advertising department of Expressen, one of the biggest Stockholm evening papers.... They were then collaborating with Arbmans. Seasoned adman Lars Wannberg brought Falk to the agency in 1967. As Arbmans success grew, the agency split into smaller groups to keep the creative fires burning. At Arbman 3, Lars Falk partnered with one of the agency’s big names, art director Ove Pihl. It was the start of a new phase in Swedish advertising history. In 1971, the duo (along with Lars “Fille” Hansson and others) became the first to leave the mothership, Arbmans, in order to establish Falk and Partners. The agency worked in the true spirit of the 70s, with every job signed by the collective rather than individual creatives. The next step was Falk & Pihl (1975), where Lars’ narrative-rich copy on potatoes and Upplandsbanken became ad world classics. Ove’s and Lars’ agency was sold in 1983 to their generation’s great role model, Doyle Dane Bernbach. Afterwards, Lars began a new journey with Ulf Herrmann and Lars Liljendahl at the newly minted OCH (AND) agency. In short order, they produced acclaimed work for clients including Hyundai, Svenska Dagbladet and Linjeflyg. Lars’ pen was guided by his experience as a journalist – by his curiosity, an ability to think critically, and an understanding of the importance of deadlines. His love of advertising has made him one of the industry’s best historians. Few have written more books and articles on advertising and copywriting than Lars Falk, with his contribution to the 1978 book “Ord till Salu” (Words for Sale) being a standout example. In between all the headlines, pull quotes and body copy, he also found time to serve as chairman of the newly established Swedish Advertising Association from 1986 to 88.

After the Platinum Egg: Lars Falk remains a tireless storyteller. His bookshelf now holds sixteen of his own titles. On his blog “Bara Ord” (Just words), he shares the fruits of years of experience. His 2018 book “Öga mot Öga” (Eye to Eye), written with Kurt Lundkvist and Claes Bergquist) documents the entire Swedish creative revolution.


More projects that Lars Falk contributed to.