The Platinum Egg 2018: Tove Langseth.

Tove Langseth was born in 1975 and grew up in Lidingö. Perhaps wanting to break with the creative tradition of her family, which includes several architects, Tove took a few cautious steps into a law course in her 20s. She quickly discovered that reality did not live up to “L.A. Law”. Since she had previously interned at an advertising agency and liked it, she applied to the advertising programme at Beckmans College of Design instead.... There she immediately felt at home and began a journey which, in terms of development and speed, has seen few parallels in Swedish advertising. Before she even graduated, she caught the eye of Jocke Jonason at Paradiset and accepted an offer to be part of the team for Diesel. In the spring of 2001, several trips, campaigns, photo shoots, presentations and productions later, Tove took home what is probably an unbeatable four-way victory combo: Golden Egg, Silver Egg, Chicken Scholarship and Grand Prix in Cannes. After a brief period at Cole, Russel & Pryce, in 2002 Tove was reunited with Jocke Jonason at the newly started Leo Burnett agency Made in London. In 2005, it was time to return to Sweden and Lowe Brindfors, where she worked first as an art director and then as creative director between 2006 and 2008. From 2008 to 2018, Tove worked as creative director at DDB Stockholm (now Nord DDB), and from 2016 onwards as one of two CEOs responsible for the agency’s creative output. In 2014, Tove chaired the Golden Eggs. Among many well-received, award-winning jobs from her time at DDB, the Smooth concept for Klarna should probably be singled out for special recognition.

After the Platinum Egg: After resigning from Nord DDB in 2018, Tove founded the underwear brand Closely together with fellow Platinum Egg club member Filip Nilsson.
